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Hello from the land of Ice and Fire

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:20 pm
by Skallinn
My name is Johann TI/IG-14323, I've been looking into what should be my next 501st costume and I've researched a lot of costumes. A good friend of mine want's to lure me into the Mandalorian Mercs. My issue is that I have a big head. I've tried on several different helmets but most of them won't go further down than my forehead or eyes. I was thinking about the Snow Scout, but my CO told me that Scout helmets tend to be a rather tight fit. So after talking to my CO and the rest of my outpost we decided I should work on becoming Iceland's very first Snowtrooper.

So before I start really working on asking around in either Snowtrooper or Snowtrooper Commander sections about the costume, I wanted to ask:
Does the Snowtrooper Commander helmet fit heads in bigger sizes? I use commander's cap size 63-64 cm